Neel Aundhia

Developer | Technocrat | Treehugger


I love to transform ideas into code!

  • As a dedicated software developer specializing in frontend development, I have a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Python.
  • I love to use my skills along with elegant libraries like React and powerful frameworks like FastAPI to create highly interactive, visually captivating and functionally flawless web applications.

Code Typing Illustration
Server Configuration Illustration

Building bridges between code and infrastructure, one deployment at a time!

  • Proficiency in the Debian and Ubuntu flavours of Linux coupled with hands-on experience in KVM and ProxmoxVE, enables me to efficiently manage the IT infrascture for companies.
  • Through my experience in containerization using Docker Compose, and Kubernetes (K3S), I facilitate streamlined development and scalable deployments.
  • Additionally, my conversance GitHub Actions for CI/CD helps me ensure automated and efficient software delivery for clients.

Be it people or things, they work better when connected!

  • Adept at Python, Embedded C and C++, I possess the skills needed to develop robust end-to-end IoT applications.
  • My familiarity with FastAPI allows me to build efficient and scalable APIs for seamless integration.
  • Additionally, my experience with MQTT, AMQP, InfluxDB, Grafana, GPRS Telemetry, and LoRaWAN empowers me to design and implement advanced data collection, storage, and visualization systems.
  • Leveraging platforms like Raspberry Pi, ESP32, and AVR ATmega, I have successfully delivered end-to-end IoT solutions.

Smart Home Ilustration
Climate Change Illustration

There is no planet B!

  • As I immerse myself in the world of coding, I also find solace and inspiration in the beauty of our natural surroundings.
  • Long treks amidst majestic mountains, tranquil forests, and breathtaking landscapes invigorate my spirit and ignite my creativity.
  • I am dedicated to utilizing my skills and knowledge to contribute to the global effort to combat climate change. Join me on this journey as we explore the intersection of technology and nature, working together to create innovative solutions that pave the way for a more sustainable world.



Neel Aundhia Associates

IT Consultant | Contract

  • Developed websites for multiple clients using HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, Ghost and WordPress.
  • Deployed different payloads at scale for multiple clients using Traefik, Docker, Docker Compose and Kubernetes (K3S).
  • Successfully completed multiple high-scale market research projects for a few startups in the pharmaceutical industry with Python, Selenium, BS4 and requests.

Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

External Consultant | Contract

  • Was responsible for developing a dashboard for aggregating and displaying the data collected from different machines on the shopfloor of Modern Coach Factory, Raebareli.
  • Worked with technologies like HTML, CSS, JS, Python, RabbitMQ, AMQP, MQTT, Grafana and InfluxDB.
  • Worked as the primary point of contact between the academic team at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur and the professional team at Modern Coach Factory, Raebareli to facilitate rapid development of the Industry 4.0 platform.

AgSmartic Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

IoT Engineer | Full-Time

  • Was responsible for the end-to-end development of the Pestlytics® ecosystem which is a smart IoT enabled pest analytics solution.
  • Worked with IoT technologies like Embedded C/C++, MQTT, GPRS, LoRaWAN, RaspberryPi, ESP32 and AVR ATmega for building the device firmware.
  • Worked with Python, MQTT, SFTP, AWS and S3 for integrating it with the API as well as the dashboard.